RIM® is a revolutionary emotional processing system that leverages body awareness and imagination to dip beneath logic and dissolve the root cause of an issue.
Whether you're working with stuck business clients, trauma, addiction recovery, or ancestral healing, it's the body, (not logic) that knows the root cause. RIM dissolves the root cause of the core beliefs and cognitive distortions, whether that cause is a recent event, childhood experiences, or even intergenerational trauma.
Through this training, you will deeply connect with other beautiful souls, slay some of your own saboteurs, and learn the miracle-level transformational skills of RIM, so you can make a greater impact with confidence and ease.
Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional
Most of my life, I thought pain and suffering was just normal. I wasn't even aware of it until 2014, when I met Dr Deb Sandella and learned about RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory). After 50 years of thinking I wasn't worthy, good enough, or even lovable, RIM changed my life.
I also believe that every person (mental illnesses aside) has choice or free will around suffering, and no one can take that away. So, why do our clients get stuck, have anxiety, suffer from time poverty, get in their own way, are forever stressed, play the victim/blame game, and live in pursuit of something that will never be enough? I hope that you will indulge me further to discover how to locate and regenerate the root cause of self-sabotaging thoughts, feelings and behavior, so your clients automatically take action to manifest their goals and success. |
Where the Suffering Started

No surprise here - it's our environment - parents, family, friends, religion, media, and society. Even though we have free will, we believe what we've been shown, taught, or what kept us safe.
The result is a limited and subjective perception of ourselves, others, and the world. Most of this programming is in parts of our brain that make up the limbic system. We also have emotional memory stored at the cellular level in the body. For simplicity, let's call the limbic system and the body, "the FEELER". And let's call the part of the brain that thinks, and figures things out, "the THINKER".
Most of the time, we can help clients examine these perceptions, make thoughtful consideration and change. Often this isn't enough. If cognitive exploration was enough, then the client wasn't really stuck. Stuckedness is the inability to see options, or having too much fear to consider them. It might be a well-hidden subconscious block, or body-memory from traumatic experiences. Real stuckedness is accessible to the Feeler but not the Thinker. It's been said "You're never really stuck, you're just afraid to take the next step". Stuck clients tend to be limited by, or driven by stuck emotions and automatic defenses that live in the limbic system.
According to researcher Dr. Candace Pert (Molecules of Emotion), our emotional experiences are stored in the body at neurotransmitter sites and can be re-keyed to create different emotions that we've been addicted to. So, it makes sense to include the Feeler in our work, which is surprisingly simple to do.
Cognitive techniques (asking questions to the Thinker), when we know it's the Feeler who has access doesn't make sense. That would be like asking your son questions about your daughter's thoughts.
RIM follows the research that shows we need to engage in a whole-brain experience, where the Thinker partners with the Feeler, going well beyond the limits of the thinking brain.
The result is a limited and subjective perception of ourselves, others, and the world. Most of this programming is in parts of our brain that make up the limbic system. We also have emotional memory stored at the cellular level in the body. For simplicity, let's call the limbic system and the body, "the FEELER". And let's call the part of the brain that thinks, and figures things out, "the THINKER".
Most of the time, we can help clients examine these perceptions, make thoughtful consideration and change. Often this isn't enough. If cognitive exploration was enough, then the client wasn't really stuck. Stuckedness is the inability to see options, or having too much fear to consider them. It might be a well-hidden subconscious block, or body-memory from traumatic experiences. Real stuckedness is accessible to the Feeler but not the Thinker. It's been said "You're never really stuck, you're just afraid to take the next step". Stuck clients tend to be limited by, or driven by stuck emotions and automatic defenses that live in the limbic system.
According to researcher Dr. Candace Pert (Molecules of Emotion), our emotional experiences are stored in the body at neurotransmitter sites and can be re-keyed to create different emotions that we've been addicted to. So, it makes sense to include the Feeler in our work, which is surprisingly simple to do.
Cognitive techniques (asking questions to the Thinker), when we know it's the Feeler who has access doesn't make sense. That would be like asking your son questions about your daughter's thoughts.
RIM follows the research that shows we need to engage in a whole-brain experience, where the Thinker partners with the Feeler, going well beyond the limits of the thinking brain.
Traditional Modalities

Our past students have brought a collective training history of nearly a hundred different modalities. The most common student feedback is pure astonishment of what is possible with RIM, no matter their education or experience. We credit this to the extreme degree to which RIM is client-generated and that the client is infinitely resourced to tap into something much larger than us or their thinking minds.
Most modalities are primarily cognitive in nature. The traditional approach of asking powerful questions, helping clients shift their perspective or re-framing is extremely valuable, but can also be very limited. This is only part of the solution, as it doesn't reach the subconscious saboteurs. The Thinker thinks one thing, and the Feeler feels something different.
The Thinker works with language, logic, data, and how to figure things out. It identifies as self. The challenge is, the Feeler works in imagery, metaphor, feelings, and emotions that are felt in the body. The Thinker wants to jump in and try to figure out what's NOT figure-out-able.
The genius of RIM is the ability to translate and synthesize the work of both, to create a whole-brain experience. This is a massive breakthrough in what's possible for self-healing and change.
Most modalities are primarily cognitive in nature. The traditional approach of asking powerful questions, helping clients shift their perspective or re-framing is extremely valuable, but can also be very limited. This is only part of the solution, as it doesn't reach the subconscious saboteurs. The Thinker thinks one thing, and the Feeler feels something different.
The Thinker works with language, logic, data, and how to figure things out. It identifies as self. The challenge is, the Feeler works in imagery, metaphor, feelings, and emotions that are felt in the body. The Thinker wants to jump in and try to figure out what's NOT figure-out-able.
The genius of RIM is the ability to translate and synthesize the work of both, to create a whole-brain experience. This is a massive breakthrough in what's possible for self-healing and change.
Interoception as a River of Emotions

We know that emotions drive decisions and behavior and that 95% of our brain activity is NOT in our Thinker awareness. We walk through life basically unconscious allowing our past experiences to drive our CURRENT decisions and behavior.
RIM creator Dr Deb, calls it the River of Emotions. Emotions flow through our body like water flows through a river. If a negative emotion is resisted, it's like throwing a boulder into the river and most of us have many boulders, or even a complete dam. This keeps us flooded with the negative feelings we're trying resist. What we resist not only persists but expands. Life goes on, working around the boulders, causing unnecessary suffering. Stuck emotions can also lead to serious physical ailments, especially if they fester for years.
If we could only allow them to flow, they would dissipate naturally. RIM uses the power of imagination to find and release the old stuck emotions.
RIM creator Dr Deb, calls it the River of Emotions. Emotions flow through our body like water flows through a river. If a negative emotion is resisted, it's like throwing a boulder into the river and most of us have many boulders, or even a complete dam. This keeps us flooded with the negative feelings we're trying resist. What we resist not only persists but expands. Life goes on, working around the boulders, causing unnecessary suffering. Stuck emotions can also lead to serious physical ailments, especially if they fester for years.
If we could only allow them to flow, they would dissipate naturally. RIM uses the power of imagination to find and release the old stuck emotions.
Emotional Processing

Emotional processing is much easier than previously thought. It really doesn't matter what issues we're trying to resolve. The first challenge is identifying the root cause of an issue. Rather than guessing, we can trust that the client's Feeler already knows the answer.
The RIM process trusts the subconscious to automatically find negative stuck emotional memories causing conflict. Neuroscience findings support the efficacy of RIM® by explaining that the brain and nervous system is changeable (neuroplasticity). Researchers have discovered that a recalled memory can be biochemically destabilized, creating a window of opportunity for change. It is important to BE in the memory (Feeler), not just talking about it. RIM makes this possible without reliving traumatic experiences. The old stuck hurt and pain can be regenerated in an empowering way. You can think of opening memories, like pressing on a phone's icon to open them. We can then make changes to the jiggly icons and then lock them back in place.
It's also like traveling back in time, finding the original negative memory, regenerating it into a new empowered experience, and creating new neural pathways in the brain. The original factual memory is still intact but loses the negative charge it once had. This allows the client to not only think different but will FEEL different at a much deeper level than ever thought possible.
The RIM process trusts the subconscious to automatically find negative stuck emotional memories causing conflict. Neuroscience findings support the efficacy of RIM® by explaining that the brain and nervous system is changeable (neuroplasticity). Researchers have discovered that a recalled memory can be biochemically destabilized, creating a window of opportunity for change. It is important to BE in the memory (Feeler), not just talking about it. RIM makes this possible without reliving traumatic experiences. The old stuck hurt and pain can be regenerated in an empowering way. You can think of opening memories, like pressing on a phone's icon to open them. We can then make changes to the jiggly icons and then lock them back in place.
It's also like traveling back in time, finding the original negative memory, regenerating it into a new empowered experience, and creating new neural pathways in the brain. The original factual memory is still intact but loses the negative charge it once had. This allows the client to not only think different but will FEEL different at a much deeper level than ever thought possible.
RIM is Different
I've taught RIM to over 160 coaches and therapists, with myriad other certifications, who rave about RIM. The comparison list so far includes EMDR, IFS, ART, RRT, Brain-spotting, EFT/TFT Tapping, Hypnosis, NLP, CBT, Process Coaching, Somatic Coaching, Emotion Code, Family Constellations, Conversational Intelligence, Positive Intelligence, Active Imagination Therapy, Interactive Guided Imagery, and dozens more.
I'll share five big differences that separate RIM even from a few modalities that seem to use similar skills. 1. How deeply the work is truly client-generated. Way beyond client-centered, RIM will stretch what you think is possible following the client deeper and moving you further away from being the expert (warning: it's a humbling experience if you think you're already a master at this). You will discover a new level of mastering the art of neutral witnessing and holding space. 2. No need to know the issue. We don't need to explore or dig. It's common for the client and the facilitator to be surprised at what shows up, and it's often something they would never have thought to work on. Meanwhile, it is the root of their biggest challenge. 3. Single session power. Each RIM session is a single, complete piece of work. We usually recommend at least 2-3 weeks between sessions and it's okay for more time in between. RIM is about removing the biggest blocks, making your other coaching and therapy tools work even better. 4. Speed and Trust. Clients frequently say they do more big work in their first RIM session than in weeks or years of traditional talk therapy or coaching. The relationship we're building is between the client and the client-self, not between the client and facilitator. 5. Autonomy. Sometimes a client does big work around an event without even revealing what the event was. We follow the emotion, not the story. |

"As a Master Certified Coach since 2006, I was looking for a tool to expand my skills in service of my coaching clients. Not only are my clients experiencing extraordinary self-discoveries using the RIM technique, I have grown as a person in ways that continue to astound me!" ~ Chanda Carlson, MA, MCC, Master RIM Facilitator
About RIM Sessions

Whether you're an executive coach working with a client stuck in indecision, or a therapist working with PTSD clients, emotions are driving the show and function similarly. So, we teach how to use RIM within the scope of your own professional area. RIM is safe in a variety of settings and populations, and can be done by coaches, retreat leaders, therapists, and other helping professionals.
A RIM session can be done over the phone, on Zoom or in person. The client is in charge at all times, and they are actually more aware during a RIM session than they are in their normal daily activities. There is no psychological manipulation or direction from the facilitator, and we do not diagnose or prescribe.
The client generates their own experience and what shows up is perfect and more powerful than anything we could have thought to ask the Thinker. Clients are often surprised at what comes up and how gentle and pleasant the experience is.
We teach a complete system that creates emotional safety at all times. It is critical that RIM Facilitators learn the complete RIM system to keep themselves and their clients safe. Because RIM can be used by different professionals, our training addresses how to screen clients and be sure to stay in their own area of expertise and scope of practice.
The client frequently says they feel completely different. Sometimes, they will feel like they time-travelled and created new emotional memories that they intellectually know are pretend but feel real in the nervous system. The science of what's happening confirms that the nervous system treats a well-imagined event similar to a real event. And because this is a whole-brain experience, change becomes much easier and is often instant and permanent. The science is finally catching up to what Dr Deb has been teaching for years. A 2018 study named "Your Brain on Imagination: It's a lot like reality, study shows" done by the University of Colorado supports exactly what Dr. Deb teaches.
The entire process releases stuck emotions, (removing those pesky boulders from the river of emotions). The client then gets to change the negative emotions (jiggly icons) by regenerating them into new positive memories. These new positive memories feel real, while the original memory loses its negative charge. With the negative emotions released, the client not only thinks differently and feels better, but actually feels different. Because they are different.
A RIM session can be done over the phone, on Zoom or in person. The client is in charge at all times, and they are actually more aware during a RIM session than they are in their normal daily activities. There is no psychological manipulation or direction from the facilitator, and we do not diagnose or prescribe.
The client generates their own experience and what shows up is perfect and more powerful than anything we could have thought to ask the Thinker. Clients are often surprised at what comes up and how gentle and pleasant the experience is.
We teach a complete system that creates emotional safety at all times. It is critical that RIM Facilitators learn the complete RIM system to keep themselves and their clients safe. Because RIM can be used by different professionals, our training addresses how to screen clients and be sure to stay in their own area of expertise and scope of practice.
The client frequently says they feel completely different. Sometimes, they will feel like they time-travelled and created new emotional memories that they intellectually know are pretend but feel real in the nervous system. The science of what's happening confirms that the nervous system treats a well-imagined event similar to a real event. And because this is a whole-brain experience, change becomes much easier and is often instant and permanent. The science is finally catching up to what Dr Deb has been teaching for years. A 2018 study named "Your Brain on Imagination: It's a lot like reality, study shows" done by the University of Colorado supports exactly what Dr. Deb teaches.
The entire process releases stuck emotions, (removing those pesky boulders from the river of emotions). The client then gets to change the negative emotions (jiggly icons) by regenerating them into new positive memories. These new positive memories feel real, while the original memory loses its negative charge. With the negative emotions released, the client not only thinks differently and feels better, but actually feels different. Because they are different.
Free Resources

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phone or zoom consult with Michael j. kline
I would be happy to speak with you by phone or Zoom.
Questions about RIM and/or available training options. Discuss where you are now and where you would rather be. Learn how RIM will differentiate you from your peers. Discuss our new Retreat Center (Con Smania) in Costa Rica and how you can book your own retreat, or we can partner. If you have always wanted to do retreats but haven't yet, we can discuss our brand-new Retreat Leader Academy or partnership possibilities. And anything else that you want to discuss because I love being of service to others. Simply book a phone date using my online calendar. |
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Video about emotions by Michael j. kline
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THe SCience/research of RIM
Dr Deb Sandella, RIM Creator

RIM was created by Dr. Deborah Sandella. Dr. Deb (as she is affectionately called) has a Doctorate in Human Communication and a Masters in Psychiatric Nursing. During the first 25 years of her career, she worked in a myriad of mental health settings from intensive services to private practice and innovated two cutting-edge inpatient community-based programs.
As an award-winning therapist, University Professor and a Best-selling author, she’s the whole package. Dr. Deb initially synthesized aspects of Interactive Guided Imagery, Somatic techniques and other skills she’d found effective; yet, as RIM has evolved “through” her rather than “from” her as she humbly describes, it has developed a life of its own as a revolutionary whole-brain way of naturally processing emotions. And neuroscience now confirms what she’s been teaching for decades.
Michael J. Kline was trained directly under Dr. Deb and continues to assist her with Certification and Master programs. Michael is the senior Licensed Trainer with the RIM Institute.
As an award-winning therapist, University Professor and a Best-selling author, she’s the whole package. Dr. Deb initially synthesized aspects of Interactive Guided Imagery, Somatic techniques and other skills she’d found effective; yet, as RIM has evolved “through” her rather than “from” her as she humbly describes, it has developed a life of its own as a revolutionary whole-brain way of naturally processing emotions. And neuroscience now confirms what she’s been teaching for decades.
Michael J. Kline was trained directly under Dr. Deb and continues to assist her with Certification and Master programs. Michael is the senior Licensed Trainer with the RIM Institute.
Your Trainers
Michael J. Kline & Jenn Schaefer
Master Certified & Licensed RIM Institute Facilitators & Trainers Mike and Jenn have worked and played together since meeting in Jack Canfield's training room in 2018 and countless personal growth retreats and RIM training events since. In addition to teaching RIM Essentials, both Mike & Jenn continue to assist Dr Deb in her advanced RIM training and retreats.

Michael is the 11th of 12 children born into poverty on his abusive, alcoholic father’s junkyard. After losing his mother at age 7 and being adopted by an emotionally abusive aunt and uncle, he spent decades to discover that he is worthy of love and life. Now a six-time successful entrepreneur, Michael uses his well-developed thinking mind in partnership with his heart-centered mission to help others who want to help others.
Michael is the Senior Trainer at The RIM Institute. Committed to personal growth and a call to be "The Fire” as a teacher and human, Mike became an owner in a transformational retreat center in Costa Rica and co-founder of the Retreat Leaders Academy. He served on Jack Canfield’s Train the Trainer team for seven years. He is a life-long learner, holding numerous certifications and endless curiosity. His passion is creating safe and sacred spaces with love, connection, and always, a questionable amount of humor. Michael lives in Sarasota with his husband Sal of 34 years and their spoiled labradoodle, Luke.
Michael is the Senior Trainer at The RIM Institute. Committed to personal growth and a call to be "The Fire” as a teacher and human, Mike became an owner in a transformational retreat center in Costa Rica and co-founder of the Retreat Leaders Academy. He served on Jack Canfield’s Train the Trainer team for seven years. He is a life-long learner, holding numerous certifications and endless curiosity. His passion is creating safe and sacred spaces with love, connection, and always, a questionable amount of humor. Michael lives in Sarasota with his husband Sal of 34 years and their spoiled labradoodle, Luke.

“Michael is an excellent trainer, brilliant at creating a deep sense of intimacy and connection among people. Authentic, transparent and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others.”
~Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles.
~Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles.

Jenn has been helping clients with health and wellness issues since 2011. She enhanced her practice by training under Jack Canfield and John Maxwell Leadership as a Coach, Speaker, Trainer in 2018 and expanded her business connections into the Corporate Wellness space and international outreach. With a thirst for knowledge, Jenn shares generously with her clients and maintains her education and training in unique methods that set her apart from other practitioners.
Jenn is a Master Certified RIM Facilitator and RIM Institute licensed trainer. She has served hundreds of clients worldwide and studied and worked directly with Dr. Deb for over 3 years. She plays an instrumental role in the Project-Heal.org Program bringing emotional safety to classrooms.
Jenn’s training includes specializations in Mind-Body modalities, including E-RYT Yoga, Y12SR Yoga, Trauma Informed Yoga, Reiki, Meditation & Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zin, The Energy Codes and Body Awake Yoga with Dr. Sue Morter, National Academy of Sport Medicine CPT, CES and CNC.
She is extensively trained in Conscious Coaching as a Deep Transformational Coach with the Center for Transformational Coaching, and is a Certified Master Jungian Life Coach & Mentor and a member of the International Jungian Coaching Association.
She is a wonderful and caring professional whose main interest is in helping people overcome emotional and physical struggles. Her clients voice great appreciation for her immense degree of compassion and effectiveness.
Certified Deep Transformational Coach, Center for Transformational Coaching
Certified Master Jungian Life Coach, and a Certified Member of the International Jungian Coaching Association
Certified Trainer & Facilitator of RIM® Regenerating Images in Memory
Certified Canfield Trainer of The Success Principles
Certified John Maxwell Team Member & DISC Trainer The Leadership Game
Certified Facilitator of The Energy Codes®
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Nutrition Coach
Certified E-RYT 200, Yoga Instructor & Y12SR Yoga Instructor
Meditation & Mindfulness Practitioner
Jenn is a Master Certified RIM Facilitator and RIM Institute licensed trainer. She has served hundreds of clients worldwide and studied and worked directly with Dr. Deb for over 3 years. She plays an instrumental role in the Project-Heal.org Program bringing emotional safety to classrooms.
Jenn’s training includes specializations in Mind-Body modalities, including E-RYT Yoga, Y12SR Yoga, Trauma Informed Yoga, Reiki, Meditation & Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zin, The Energy Codes and Body Awake Yoga with Dr. Sue Morter, National Academy of Sport Medicine CPT, CES and CNC.
She is extensively trained in Conscious Coaching as a Deep Transformational Coach with the Center for Transformational Coaching, and is a Certified Master Jungian Life Coach & Mentor and a member of the International Jungian Coaching Association.
She is a wonderful and caring professional whose main interest is in helping people overcome emotional and physical struggles. Her clients voice great appreciation for her immense degree of compassion and effectiveness.
Certified Deep Transformational Coach, Center for Transformational Coaching
Certified Master Jungian Life Coach, and a Certified Member of the International Jungian Coaching Association
Certified Trainer & Facilitator of RIM® Regenerating Images in Memory
Certified Canfield Trainer of The Success Principles
Certified John Maxwell Team Member & DISC Trainer The Leadership Game
Certified Facilitator of The Energy Codes®
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Nutrition Coach
Certified E-RYT 200, Yoga Instructor & Y12SR Yoga Instructor
Meditation & Mindfulness Practitioner
High Praise for RIM

“RIM work produces such immediate and extraordinary emotional and physical results, it may at first appear unbelievable, but I have witnessed it in action in my own life and the lives of hundreds of my students and trainees and can testify to its profound impact.” ~ Jack Canfield, NY Times bestselling author, Coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series and The Success Principles, internationally renowned corporate trainer & speaker.
Ground breaking and innovative, best-selling author Dr. Deborah Sandella provides a sacred road map to bypass logic and get to the heart of lingering pain. Using leading-edge research and techniques to shift your body’s experience, you’ll ultimately transcend even the most painful experiences and discover your innate ability to forgive and love. I highly recommend.” ~ Dr. Shawne Duperon, 6-Time EMMY Winner®, Project: Forgive Founder

"I am astonished at the power of RIM to so quickly and directly shift stuck emotions and old stories. I feel an obligation to share this with my clients. It needs to be in the world!" ~ Marla Dufek, CPCC, Atlanta, GA